Monday, June 30, 2008

my summer yesterday

Yesterday I did some things that I really want to tell you about. The 1st thing I did yesterday was go to the market and the bagel store. We bought bread, chips and salsa, bananas, lunch meat, and jack cheese (which I like) at the market. At the bagel store, we bought crisp apple bagels oh my favorite. The 2Nd thing I did was go to the beach. It was a blast, and we saw two pelicans in the ocean. I think that they mated because one was brown and the other was brown with a white stripe on it. the 3rd thing I did was go to the i hop restaurant. We all had pancakes there, and I also had a cheese Burger with fries. That was what I did yesterday.

1 comment:

DAN said...

Hi Jackson,
It sounds like you are having a lot of fun. I like erading your blog and knowing what you're doing on your vacation.
Love Ya,